The World of Military

THIS is military news channel.

UK's New Main Battle Tank Has Shocked the World with Its Never-Before-Seen New Technology

Meet UK's New $4 Billion Helicopter! Recognized as a Tough Helicopter and Has The Hardest Shell

UK Navy to Build New Class of Amphibious Warfare Vessels, Equipped with Laser and Waterborne Drone

UK Builds 10,000 Ton Destroyer, Making It The Most Feared Warship On Earth | Navy's Type 83

With no Stealth, The UK Air Force's Typhoon Could Beat the Su-27 and Outperforms the F-35

This is Why The UK Spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Buying These New Missiles

UK Navy's Mysterious Type 32 | Has a More Specialized Role Than the Type 31 Frigate

Here's The Deadly Cannon that will be installed on UK Ajax Armoured Vehicles

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