Elia Locardi – Travel Photographer

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Elia Locardi is an internationally acclaimed professional travel photographer, writer, experienced public speaker and highly skilled educator who spends his life shooting some of the most beautiful locations in the world. Featured by Professional Photographer Magazine, CNet, Wacom, SmugMug Films, Adobe, Fujifilm and Fstoppers, Elia began working full-time in the photography industry in 2009, and since then he has visited more than 65 countries, flown nearly 2 million miles, and collaborated with major companies, brands, countries, NGOs, and tourism agencies on nearly every continent. Using a combination of traditional in-camera techniques, advanced post-processing and time blending, Elia has developed a widely recognized and highly unique style of photography that has become well known around the world. His photos have been used in some of the most widely circulated publications including National Geographic and displayed in fine art galleries, expositions, and events around the world.

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