Documentary Central

Documentaries, insightful, educational, thought provoking.

New York's Story of Gentrification and Resistance | There Goes The Neighborhood | @DocoCentral

Reopening the JFK Assassination | Confessions From The Grassy Knoll: The Shocking Truth | DC

The Truth Behind Aviation’s Most Terrifying Moments | Worlds Worst Flights | @DocoCentral

How a Scottish Train Became the Hogwarts Express | The World's Most Beautiful Railway | @DocoCentral

How They Built London's Underground Train Network | Trains That Changed The World | DC

Mastering Combined Arms Warfare | Military Masterminds | @DocoCentral

A Man Journey To Figure Out How To Walk Again | Atomy | @DocoCentral

Real Stories From The World's Most Terrifying Flights | Worlds Worst Flights | @DocoCentral

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