Doc of the Day
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Doc of the Day is your daily source for informative and captivating documentaries. We upload a documentary every day, covering a wide range of topics including current affairs, history, science, and more. Our selection includes documentaries relevant to the day we’re posting, such as anniversaries, and all content is available for 30 days before it expires. So be sure to catch it while it’s still on the channel!
Lost in Bigfoot Country: Wilderness Nightmare Unfolds!
Food Fight: The Battle For Market Basket
Dark Secrets Unveiled: Haunting Encounters in Mark Corvo's Childhood Home
Trauma Alert: Doctor's Race to Save Motorcyclist's Life
From Students to Torturers: Unraveling the Stanford Prison Experiment
The Rise Of Commercial Space Flight
Magical Rabbit Revival Gone Wrong - A Haunting Story
Badge of Pride: The Untold Story of LGBTQ+ Officer Jackie O'Keefe |Doc of the Day
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